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    Dear Muslims!

    Dear Muslims,


    Hopefully this letter will find you in worst of health and we will keep on praying and putting our all-out efforts to ensure that those who try to undermine our interests remain in worst conditions ever.
    The intent of writing this letter is to congratulate you on achieving a highest level of hypocrisy. Such sheer hypocrisy that even we got surprised. We never thought that you can be so insane, pathetic and soul-less. We are thankful to all of you for standing by us and providing us moral and spiritual support. Your support meant a lot to us and it was million times more than what U.S, U.K and other countries did. As a result of our recent offensives on Gaza, we are pleased to inform you that till date we have bombed half of Gaza and killed more than 1900 Palestinians out of which 448 were children. Not only this, we are also successful in injuring more than 2500 people. We assure you that if you will keep on extending your unconditional support, the world soon will be able to get rid of Palestinians.
    We would like to reiterate the fact that we are peace loving democratic country and don’t like to interfere in others’ issues unless we are forced to do so. As you all know that we have lot of patience and since decades we are tolerating the atrocities being carried by Palestinians but enough is enough and this time we decided to teach them a lesson so that the world can be a peaceful place to live in. You can see that we are bombing and killing them like ants. This achievement indeed is because of our Muslim brothers and sisters.
    We would also like to thank you for ignoring this issue altogether during the FIFA World Cup 2014. We are thankful to all of you for enjoying the world cup as it was a worth watching event. Our purpose of conducting the attacks during world cup was very successful as we never wanted you to listen or watch this mess since it would have a negative effect on your mind. The way you kept yourself involved in the world cup is truly commendable. We also admire your media for not wasting their airtime on this non-issue.
    We are thankful to all Muslims for not boycotting our products. Your help meant a lot to us and due to your continuous buying our companies are making more and more profits. We assure you that you will not be able to find such fine quality products all over the world and you should not listen to idiots calling for the boycott as they too use our products.
    We are indeed thankful to OIC (Oh! I see), Arab League and all Muslim World leaders for not listening to Palestinian extremist calls for help. We hope that Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will also start to support us in near future. We assure you that through your support, extremist won’t be able to find a place to hide and we would be able to exterminate them from this world.
    We are also thankful to all terrorist and extremist organizations i.e. Taliban, ISIS, Rebels for keeping you involved and busy in your country’s state of affairs so that you can’t even spare a second to think about Palestinians. We consider all of them as our strategic partner in eradicating terrorism and extremism and pray for their success.
    The way you are using social media for mock support to Palestinians is also commendable. We have noticed that a few of you initially changed your profile pictures and cover images on Facebook and Twitter and we were very enraged on this but later we found out that it was merely an eye-wash. However that mock support is getting diminished and we would like you to continue that kind of support.
    In the end, we would like to extend our gratitude to all Muslims across the world. We assure you that after Palestinians elimination from this world, the world will be a better and peaceful place to live in. We would also like to extend a hand of friendship and love to our hypocrites Muslim brothers and sisters.



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